4.12 Update!


You know... I always want to name next update "huge", but I never used to make something actually huge. I make something small and I don't think it's worth attention...

So I will not commplain anymore and continue to work!


  • Added special animations for every amusement! But they look the same at daytime and nighttime and some of them... Not actually ugly, they just need a little shaping!..
  • You'll not notice it, but I finished drawing NPCs for nighttime and a little bit of pets.

hey bb



Никакого нытья

Список изменений:

  • Для каждого аттракциона теперь своя анимация. Но они не закончены и немного уродливые;
  • Я закончил рисовать НИПов для ночного времени и животных.

умер мужик


qda_ru.rar 251 MB
Dec 04, 2021

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